
1: Archive Missile
2: Unsubscribe Laser
3: Spam Bomb
4: To-Do Flag
5: Reply Dart
6: Forward Boomerang
7: Snooze Clock
Active: Archive Missile

Email Blaster

Score: 0
Missed: 0/5
Remaining: 50
1: Archive Missile
2: Unsubscribe Laser
3: Spam Bomb
4: To-Do Flag
5: Reply Dart
6: Forward Boomerang
7: Snooze Clock

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Let AI handle your real emails automatically

✓ Unsubscribe with one click
✓ Auto-archive newsletters
✓ Smart email categorization
✓ AI email assistant
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Use left and right arrow keys to rotate the shooter.

Press number keys 1-7 to select different weapons:

Press spacebar to shoot the selected weapon at falling emails.